Let's face it...
Doesn't the above just sound like a recipe for total failure for someone like you?
The good news is, there's a BETTER way.
And it doesn't involve finding $100k+ to invest in real estate, being chained to a desk at your 9-5, or getting measly, wimpy returns from the fat cats on Wall Street.
Chances are, you know what affiliate marketing is...
It's simple — you sell other people's products, and when a transaction is made, you get a percentage of the sale.
Affiliate marketing is HUGE.
And I've figured out a way to automate it that's never failed me or my students.
Therefore, turning it into passive income.
Companies like Amazon, Best Buy, Clickbank are paying out billions of dollars in commissions to thousands of people just like you.
And what if I told you that they are doing a lot of the work for you?
They make the products. They manage the support team. They hire coders.
If you were to create your own product, it's not cheap. Far from it!
When you start youtube and affiliate marketing you will have...